Volatile Emissions

It is always the end user’s responsibility to properly dispose of their waste. Dispose of contents/container to hazardous or special waste collection point, in accordance with local, regional, national and/or international regulations.

Clean air regulations have added new requirements to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other air pollutants.

Because of these regulations and other environmental concerns, many customers are asking builders to use products that pollute less. The volatile emissions from our epoxies are much lower than that of conventional vinyl esters and polyesters used in the composites industry. While our epoxy doesn’t have one major or easily identifiable volatile component, emissions may include small amounts of benzyl alcohol, low-molecular-weight amines, or a reactive diluent.

To put it into perspective, making a laminate that requires 38 litres of conventional vinyl ester resin would put 14kg of VOCs into the air. A laminate requiring the same quantity of WEST SYSTEM® epoxy would emit only one pound of VOCs. Consider the environmental impact when choosing the products you will use on your projects.

Disposal of Leftover Resin and Hardener

The following guidelines should help you make the right decisions when it comes time to dispose of unused epoxy resin and hardener.

  • You do not have to designate unused resin and hardener as *waste* if you may use it on a future project. WEST SYSTEM epoxy products have a long shelf-life when stored in sealed containers. Simply use the product on another project.
  • You may dispose of cured epoxy (resin and hardener mixed at the proper ratio and completely solidified) as a non-hazardous solid.
  • Dispose of empty product containers only after you follow these simple *empty* rules: (1) You’ve made every effort to empty the container, and (2) no more than three percent by weight of the total capacity of the container remains in the container. Containers drain more completely when warm.
  • Keep waste to a minimum. Work with small batches of epoxy. When emptying a container for disposal, collect the residue for use on a future project.
  • Reclaim for further use epoxy resin or hardener collected from a spill or leak. If it is contaminated, designate it as waste. If you have used a solvent to clean up a spill, then the resultant mixture of solvent and epoxy may become a regulated hazardous waste. Respect the environment. Don’t release hazardous wastes directly to the land, air, or water. Many communities organize periodic waste collections where consumers can take household wastes for safe disposal, usually free of charge.

The disposal guidelines above may not comply with the laws and regulations in your area. If you are uncertain, refer to local, regional and national regulations. Also, this section has addressed only the disposal of our epoxy resin and hardener. Boatbuilding and repair projects generate many hazardous wastes, including bottom paint, gel coat, paints, and solvents. These materials can harm the environment, so identify and dispose of them properly.


In this guide, we have presented the health hazards of mishandling epoxies and related materials. In the course of a building or repair project, you may run a greater risk of harm falling from a ladder or misusing power tools. It’s self-defeating to worry a great deal about epoxies if you are careless about using your table saw.

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Use common sense. The more informed you are about the products you use, the better off you’ll be. Master basic health and safety principles and take responsibility for seeing them through. Your shop or business will be a safe place and you’ll be able to continue working with WEST SYSTEM epoxy products for a long time. When it comes to setting the rules and work practices of your shop, your health and safety are in your own hands.

All WEST SYSTEM technical manuals include basic safety information. All of our product labels provide appropriate hazard warnings. If you need more specific information, you can contact us below or request information through your distributor or stockist.

For additional information

+44 (0) 1794 521 111
Email: [email protected]