West System Mixed Epoxy

WEST SYSTEM Epoxy Additives and Pigments are blended into mixed epoxy to enhance certain physical properties or alter the colour or opacity. Blend epoxy additives or pigments into resin and hardener after they are already mixed at the proper ratio (1 pump resin to 1 pump hardener with calibrated Mini Pumps. Additives improve epoxy’s abrasion resistance or moisture resistance. WEST SYSTEM Epoxy additives include Aluminium Powder, Barrier Coat Additive, and Graphite Powder. Pigments are resin-based and change the colour of epoxy. Pigments are available in white, black, or grey.
WEST SYSTEM| image: Amazon Product Listing Photos (12)

420 Aluminium Powder

420 Aluminium Powder will increase the hardness and abrasion resistance of the coated surface and im...

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422 Barrier Coat Additive

While WEST SYSTEM Epoxy creates an excellent moisture barrier by itself, 422 Barrier Coat Additive i...

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423 Graphite Powder

423 Graphite Powder is a fine black powder that can be mixed with epoxy to produce a low-friction ex...

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501 White Pigment

501 White Pigment is an epoxy-based liquid colourant used to tint the epoxy mixture white, providing...

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502 Black Pigment

502 Black Pigment is an epoxy-based liquid colourant used to tint the epoxy mixture black, providing...

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503 Grey Pigment

503 Grey Pigment is an epoxy-based liquid colourant used to tint the epoxy mixture grey, providing a...

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505 Blue Pigment

505 Blue Pigment is an epoxy-based liquid colourant used to tint the epoxy mixture blue, providing a...